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- /* Copyright (C) 1990, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gdevprn.c */
- /* Generic printer support for Ghostscript */
- #include "gdevprn.h"
- #include "gp.h"
- #include "gsprops.h"
- /* Define the scratch file name prefix for mktemp */
- #define SCRATCH_TEMPLATE gp_scratch_file_name_prefix
- /* Internal routine for opening a scratch file */
- private int
- open_scratch(char *fname, FILE **pfile)
- { char fmode[4];
- strcpy(fmode, "w+");
- strcat(fmode, gp_fmode_binary_suffix);
- *pfile = gp_open_scratch_file(SCRATCH_TEMPLATE, fname, fmode);
- if ( *pfile == NULL )
- { eprintf1("Could not open the scratch file %s.\n", fname);
- return_error(gs_error_invalidfileaccess);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Standard device procedures ------ */
- /* Macros for casting the pdev argument */
- #define ppdev ((gx_device_printer *)pdev)
- #define pmemdev ((gx_device_memory *)pdev)
- #define pcldev ((gx_device_clist *)pdev)
- gx_device_procs prn_std_procs =
- prn_procs(gdev_prn_open, gdev_prn_output_page, gdev_prn_close);
- /* Generic initialization for the printer device. */
- /* Specific devices may wish to extend this. */
- int
- gdev_prn_open(gx_device *pdev)
- { const gx_device_memory *mdev =
- gdev_mem_device_for_bits(pdev->color_info.depth);
- gx_device_procs *pprocs = pdev->procs;
- ulong mem_space;
- byte *base = 0;
- char *left = 0;
- if ( mdev == 0 )
- return_error(gs_error_rangecheck);
- memset(ppdev->skip, 0, sizeof(ppdev->skip));
- ppdev->orig_procs = pprocs;
- /*
- * We should initialize the page count to 0, but since resetting
- * some properties like page size closes and reopens the driver,
- * we just have to rely on the linker initializing uninitialized
- * fields to 0. When we make page_count a property of all devices
- * (which is a big deal, because many drivers currently initialize
- * their structures statically and therefore can't handle changes
- * in the structure), this problem will go away. Meanwhile:
- */
- /* ppdev->page_count = 0; */
- ppdev->file = ppdev->ccfile = ppdev->cbfile = NULL;
- mem_space = gdev_mem_bitmap_size(pmemdev);
- if ( mem_space >= ppdev->max_bitmap ||
- mem_space != (uint)mem_space || /* too big to allocate */
- (base = (byte *)gs_malloc((uint)mem_space, 1, "printer buffer(open)")) == 0 || /* can't allocate */
- (left = gs_malloc(PRN_MIN_MEMORY_LEFT, 1, "printer memory left")) == 0) /* not enough left */
- )
- { /* Buffer the image in a command list. */
- uint space;
- int code;
- /* Release the buffer if we allocated it. */
- if ( base != 0 )
- gs_free((char *)base, (uint)mem_space, 1,
- "printer buffer(open)");
- for ( space = ppdev->use_buffer_space; ; )
- { base = (byte *)gs_malloc(space, 1,
- "command list buffer(open)");
- if ( base != 0 ) break;
- if ( (space >>= 1) < PRN_MIN_BUFFER_SPACE )
- return_error(gs_error_VMerror); /* no hope */
- }
- open_c: pcldev->data = base;
- pcldev->data_size = space;
- pcldev->target = pdev;
- pcldev->mdev = *mdev;
- pcldev->mdev.target = pdev;
- ppdev->buf = base;
- ppdev->buffer_space = space;
- /* Try opening the command list, to see if we allocated */
- /* enough buffer space. */
- code = (*gs_clist_device_procs.open_device)((gx_device *)pcldev);
- if ( code < 0 )
- { /* If there wasn't enough room, and we haven't */
- /* already shrunk the buffer, try enlarging it. */
- if ( code == gs_error_limitcheck &&
- space >= ppdev->use_buffer_space
- )
- { gs_free((char *)base, space, 1,
- "command list buffer(retry open)");
- space <<= 1;
- base = (byte *)gs_malloc(space, 1,
- "command list buffer(retry open)");
- ppdev->buf = base;
- if ( base != 0 ) goto open_c;
- }
- /* Fall through with code < 0 */
- }
- if ( code < 0 ||
- (code = open_scratch(ppdev->ccfname, &ppdev->ccfile)) < 0 ||
- (code = open_scratch(ppdev->cbfname, &ppdev->cbfile)) < 0
- )
- { /* Clean up before exiting */
- gdev_prn_close(pdev);
- return code;
- }
- pcldev->cfile = ppdev->ccfile;
- pcldev->bfile = ppdev->cbfile;
- pcldev->bfile_end_pos = 0;
- ppdev->mod_procs = gs_clist_device_procs;
- }
- else
- { /* Render entirely in memory. */
- /* Release the leftover memory. */
- gs_free(left, PRN_MIN_MEMORY_LEFT, 1,
- "printer memory left");
- ppdev->buffer_space = 0;
- pmemdev->base = base;
- ppdev->mod_procs = *mdev->procs;
- }
- /* Synthesize the procedure vector. */
- /* Rendering operations come from the memory or clist device, */
- /* non-rendering come from the printer device. */
- pdev->procs = &ppdev->mod_procs;
- #define copy_proc(p) ppdev->mod_procs.p = pprocs->p
- copy_proc(get_initial_matrix);
- copy_proc(output_page);
- copy_proc(close_device);
- copy_proc(map_rgb_color);
- copy_proc(map_color_rgb);
- copy_proc(get_props);
- copy_proc(put_props);
- copy_proc(map_cmyk_color);
- copy_proc(get_xfont_procs);
- copy_proc(get_xfont_device);
- #undef copy_proc
- return (*pdev->procs->open_device)(pdev);
- }
- /* Added properties for printers */
- private const gs_prop_item props_prn[] = {
- /* Read-write properties. */
- prop_def("BufferSpace", prt_int),
- prop_def("MaxBitmap", prt_int),
- prop_def("OutputFile", prt_string),
- /* Read-only properties. */
- prop_def("PageCount", prt_int)
- };
- /* Get properties. In addition to the standard properties, */
- /* we supply the max bitmap size, buffer size, and output name. */
- int
- gdev_prn_get_props(gx_device *pdev, gs_prop_item *plist)
- { int start = gx_default_get_props(pdev, plist);
- if ( plist != 0 )
- { register gs_prop_item *pi = plist + start;
- memcpy(pi, props_prn, sizeof(props_prn));
- pi[0].value.i = ppdev->use_buffer_space;
- pi[1].value.i = ppdev->max_bitmap;
- pi[2].value.a.p.s = ppdev->fname;
- pi[2].value.a.size = -1;
- pi[3].value.i = ppdev->page_count;
- }
- return start + sizeof(props_prn) / sizeof(gs_prop_item);
- }
- /* Put properties. */
- /* Note that setting the buffer sizes closes the device. */
- int
- gdev_prn_put_props(gx_device *pdev, gs_prop_item *plist, int count)
- { gs_prop_item *known[3];
- int code = 0;
- props_extract(plist, count, props_prn, 3, known, 0);
- code = gx_default_put_props(pdev, plist, count);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- if ( known[0] != 0 )
- { gs_prop_item *pi = known[0];
- if ( pi->value.i < 10000 )
- pi->status = pv_rangecheck,
- code = gs_error_rangecheck;
- else
- { ppdev->use_buffer_space = known[0]->value.i;
- if ( code == 0 ) code = 1;
- }
- }
- if ( known[1] != 0 )
- ppdev->max_bitmap = known[1]->value.i;
- if ( known[2] != 0 )
- { gs_prop_item *pn = known[2];
- int size = pn->value.a.size;
- if ( size >= prn_fname_sizeof )
- pn->status = pv_limitcheck,
- code = gs_error_limitcheck;
- else
- { /* Close the file if it's open. */
- if ( ppdev->file != NULL && ppdev->file != stdout )
- gp_close_printer(ppdev->file, ppdev->fname);
- ppdev->file = NULL;
- memcpy(ppdev->fname, pn->value.a.p.s, size);
- ppdev->fname[size] = 0;
- if ( code == 0 ) code = 1;
- }
- }
- if ( code < 0 )
- return_error(code);
- /* If we're changing the buffer sizes, close the device; */
- /* gs_putdeviceprops will reopen it. */
- if ( pdev->is_open && code )
- { int ccode = gs_closedevice(pdev);
- if ( ccode < 0 ) return ccode;
- }
- return code;
- }
- /* Generic routine to send the page to the printer. */
- /****** Note that num_copies is currently ignored: this is wrong. ******/
- int
- gdev_prn_output_page(gx_device *pdev, int num_copies, int flush)
- { int code, outcode, closecode;
- ppdev->page_count++;
- code = gdev_prn_open_printer(pdev, 1);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- /* Print the accumulated page description. */
- outcode = (*ppdev->print_page)(ppdev, ppdev->file);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- closecode = gdev_prn_close_printer(pdev);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- if ( ppdev->buffer_space ) /* reinitialize clist for writing */
- code = (*gs_clist_device_procs.output_page)(pdev, num_copies, flush);
- if ( outcode < 0 ) return outcode;
- if ( closecode < 0 ) return closecode;
- return code;
- }
- /* Generic closing for the printer device. */
- /* Specific devices may wish to extend this. */
- int
- gdev_prn_close(gx_device *pdev)
- { if ( ppdev->ccfile != NULL )
- { fclose(ppdev->ccfile);
- ppdev->ccfile = NULL;
- unlink(ppdev->ccfname);
- }
- if ( ppdev->cbfile != NULL )
- { fclose(ppdev->cbfile);
- ppdev->cbfile = NULL;
- unlink(ppdev->cbfname);
- }
- if ( ppdev->buffer_space != 0 )
- { /* Free the buffer */
- gs_free((char *)ppdev->buf, (uint)ppdev->buffer_space, 1,
- "command list buffer(close)");
- }
- else
- { /* Free the memory device bitmap */
- gs_free((char *)pmemdev->base,
- (uint)gdev_mem_bitmap_size(pmemdev),
- 1, "printer buffer(close)");
- }
- if ( ppdev->file != NULL )
- { if ( ppdev->file != stdout )
- gp_close_printer(ppdev->file, ppdev->fname);
- ppdev->file = NULL;
- }
- pdev->procs = ppdev->orig_procs;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Map colors. This is different from the default, because */
- /* printers write black, not white. */
- gx_color_index
- gdev_prn_map_rgb_color(gx_device *dev, gx_color_value r, gx_color_value g,
- gx_color_value b)
- { /* Map values >= 1/2 to 0, < 1/2 to 1. */
- return ((r | g | b) > gx_max_color_value / 2 ?
- (gx_color_index)0 : (gx_color_index)1);
- }
- int
- gdev_prn_map_color_rgb(gx_device *dev, gx_color_index color,
- gx_color_value prgb[3])
- { /* Map 0 to max_value, 1 to 0. */
- prgb[0] = prgb[1] = prgb[2] = -((gx_color_value)color ^ 1);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Driver services ------ */
- /* Open the current page for printing. */
- int
- gdev_prn_open_printer(gx_device *pdev, int binary_mode)
- { char *fname = ppdev->fname;
- char pfname[prn_fname_sizeof + 10];
- if ( strchr(fname, '%') )
- { sprintf(pfname, fname, ppdev->page_count);
- fname = pfname;
- }
- if ( ppdev->file == NULL )
- { if ( !strcmp(fname, "-") )
- ppdev->file = stdout;
- else
- { ppdev->file = gp_open_printer(fname, binary_mode);
- if ( ppdev->file == NULL )
- return_error(gs_error_invalidfileaccess);
- }
- ppdev->file_is_new = 1;
- }
- else
- ppdev->file_is_new = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Copy a scan line from the buffer to the printer. */
- int
- gdev_prn_get_bits(gx_device_printer *pdev, int y, byte *str, byte **actual_data)
- { int code = (*pdev->procs->get_bits)((gx_device *)pdev, y, str, actual_data);
- uint line_size = gdev_prn_raster(pdev);
- int last_bits = -(pdev->width * pdev->color_info.depth) & 7;
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- if ( last_bits != 0 )
- { byte *dest = (actual_data != 0 ? *actual_data : str);
- dest[line_size - 1] &= 0xff << last_bits;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Copy scan lines to a buffer. Return the number of scan lines, */
- /* or <0 if error. */
- int
- gdev_prn_copy_scan_lines(gx_device_printer *pdev, int y, byte *str, uint size)
- { uint line_size = gdev_prn_raster(pdev);
- int count = size / line_size;
- int i;
- byte *dest = str;
- count = min(count, pdev->height - y);
- for ( i = 0; i < count; i++, dest += line_size )
- { int code = gdev_prn_get_bits(pdev, y + i, dest, NULL);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- }
- return count;
- }
- /* Close the current page. */
- int
- gdev_prn_close_printer(gx_device *pdev)
- { if ( strchr(ppdev->fname, '%') ) /* file per page */
- { gp_close_printer(ppdev->file, ppdev->fname);
- ppdev->file = NULL;
- }
- return 0;
- }